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Dick Head |
I thought I'd do another 'silly post' before I slip into another
serious one. I'm not sure what the sensible post will be about, yet. But be
assured, it will be very sensible.
When young
and drunk tis very tempting to get a tattoo. Sadly, you will likely regret the
decision in the cold harsh light of day. I'm not festooned with tats, myself- a
couple of small motifs, tastefully done. However, back in the 60s and 70s,
tattoos, especially on the hands, neck, and face marked you out as a lesser
breed; an outcast from normal polite society. A distinction reserved for
sailors and bar room brawlers.
things have changed. Respectable individuals are adorned, nay festooned with
permanent ink; although the sanction and restriction with regard to the hands,
neck and especially the face, remain. Even my daughter has a couple of small
tattoos: one on her ankle, t'other on her shoulder.
everyone possesses poise, grace, taste or even a spell checker. Anyways, check
out this motley crew of misfits and fuckwits. Some folk really do need to be
strangled at birth.
Now, this looks like a salty dude. How more menacing can you get? Not
content at desecrating his features he goes on to have one eyeball tattooed
black. Predictably enough he appears to be wearing prison garb. Let's hope he's
doing 50 to life.
I'm guessing this fella ain't no Chartered Accountant. With such a
provocative tattoo I'm thinking this man finds it difficult to obtain gainful
employment, especially in the service industry: "Would like fucking fries with that, you cunt?" Another
poor lost soul destined to remain on the margins of a just and judging
society. An angry young man who finds the legit world baffling and unfriendly.
For such a character, gaol is really his only fiend.
Hey, this man is ice cool, 'Da Iceman'. Guess how I know? Cos tis
displayed on the canvas of his torso with gay abandon. The adornment of the
skulls is telling. Skulls are super cool and this man displays at least five,
so by implication, he must be super cool. Either that or he's an inadequate
twat with a knuckle dragging low IQ and possessing a need to show off his mind numbing stupidity.
I bet he takes his shirt off at every available opportunity. If you have to
broadcast that you are cool, then you ain't.
I have to agree with the sentiment but not the spelling. Is this
supposed to be irony or is the recipient mind bogglingly dim? I suspect the
Michael Jackson never looked so good. 'He's bad, he's bad'......The
tattoo 'artist' ain't too good at this drawing thingy, either. Perhaps Michael
Jackson did actually look like this at the end- one too many facelifts/nose
jobs/skin whitening (sorry, no skin whitening. He suffered from a medical
condition called vitiligo, allegedly).
Take a look at this fine specimen of manhood/humanity? As we can see
he's a rampant ladies man. All those fine hos and bitches will be lining up to
date this fine, sensitive and profoundly stupid young man. Could these be
prison tattoos? I think so. I'd like to think that no legit tattoo salon would
be responsible for this insanity. Putting on my all-seeing psychic hat on: I
prophesise a life of petty crime and long spells of incarceration. No bitches
there my fiend, just Bubba from C wing. Take care and don't slip in the shower.
Care and attention combined with a modicum of due diligence would have
saved this girl from a lifelong of embarrassment and attention from men with a
preoccupation with anal proclivities. Ana, take my advice and be generous with
the lube. Although I suspect she will be wearing her hair down and flowing in
order to protect her modesty and virtue.
This tattoo reminds me of a story, perhaps apocryphal, I was once told
many years ago. Apparently, a young fella was holidaying in Hong
Kong and thought it a good idea to get a tattoo on his arm in
Chinese script. He chose a suitably uplifting Chinese proverb and had said
tattoo proclaimed in bold Cantonese on his arm. Months later back in England he had
occasion to visit the local Chinese restaurant with a few of his mates. As he
was tucking into his sweet and sour pork balls he couldn't help but notice that
the Chinese waitress could hardly suppress a giggle when she passed his table.
Intrigued, our intrepid fella asked the young girl what the hilarity was about.
The girl seemed reluctant to reveal the nature of her mirth. But our hero
pressed on and eventually, she told him that his tattoo, in Cantonese read: 'At
the end of the day, this is a very ugly boy'.
And finally. At the end of the day, these are very ugly babies. And very
dysmorphic as well. We shouldn't be too surprised when we peruse the kid's
names: Talanne, Janner, Alli and Teeganne. No shit, say I. Expect a
visit from the child protection department and hefty gaol sentences for the
parents for violating the universal law of good taste and for committing crass
asinine stupidity. Furthermore, Prof Mugumbo and I found a clear and profound
correlation between IQ and shite names. Check out this fundamental
groundbreaking research, here and here.
Enough for
now. A sane man can only take so much. And I have a tenuous grip on sanity at the best of times.
At my tattoo parlour of choice, there is an art piece hanging in the back room, proudly proclaiming "Tattoos are only for sailors and hookers". It is also festooned with rather graphic imagery of the aforementioned going about their business, which is probably why it is in the back room. Also, you spelled "jail" wrong, you arse (arse).
ReplyDeleteSon, as I recall not only have you inherited my flowing golden locks but you have inherited my artistic taste, I'm particularly impressed with:'Get it here big boy' engraved boldly on your groin. Tell your mom the maintenance cheque is in the post- I don't want to end up in gaol/jail. Delete according to education status.
ReplyDeleteSanity, like reality, is but an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol.
ReplyDeleteI must be permanently insane.