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Billions of dollars- so what's going on with the hair? |
First a general comment: From what I
can see the only attribute absolutely required to put forth as an American
presidential candidate is wealth. Poor folk need not apply. There is nothing
intrinsically shocking about this. Western politicians who aspire to ‘rule
their country’ are invariably wealthy, even self-confessed socialists.
Hypocrisy has never been an impediment to a successful political career. It
helps to be educated, experienced and smart as well though. I’ll go as far to
state that Western democracies recruit potential leaders from the reservoir of
seasoned, experienced politicians of some rank. Even the Americans have
followed this model until now. Trump has proved the exception. Just like love,
money conquers all.
Donald Trump’s foray into the
political scene last summer elicited almost universal contempt from commentators
left and right of the political spectrum. He was seen as a joke.
Political pundits, and those who like to talk loud in restaurants, gave him
scant regard. Trump’s political inexperience and his lack of coherent policy
lent support to his ‘none-serious’ status. It seemed as though he would rank as
no more than a footnote in American history and a lesson on how the American
system, although not perfect, is not without a self righting mechanism to
correct for idiosyncratic, and non-conformist candidates. But Trump did not go
away and seemed to thrive on a wave of popular support. There are many in the
American electorate, especially on the left who loathe Trump. However, Trump’s
support derives from middle conservative America . The grass roots seem to
warm to his no nonsense, no substance, style. Trump appears to speak as many
Americans think, especially on grand issues such as immigration.
I don’t like Trump. He is an
egotistic and arrogant caricature. Trump is a great clown of a man; a demagogue
in the ancient Greek tradition. But it is his arrogance and ego that makes him
a politician. However, this is where he leaves the fold. ‘Good’ politicians,
and I don’t mean good in any moral objective sense, have a knack of couching
their opinions and policies in coded rhetoric. A sort of standard ‘politic
speak’ which obscures, deceives and places a positive spin on every word which
drips from their posturing mouths. Tis quite a skill, usually honed through
many years of wrangling and manoeuvring through the political minefield. And
here comes Trump with his foot in the mouth, with his unpolished utterance and
appeal to gut politics. Many gaffs make the man. His coarse approach, whilst
inviting comic derision from the educated left, has struck a chord with a great
swathe of Americans. I wonder when we will see imitators.
A note of panic in the leftist media
is becoming apparent as it now appears likely that Trump will end up as the
Republican nominee. Ivory tower polemicists, from both ends of the political
spectrum, may agree amongst themselves but are completely out of touch with the
viewing public who remain forever beyond their understanding. And let us not
forget that the process has become a circus- a great arena for our
entertainment but not edification. The electorate (this goes for all Western
democracies) are sick and tired of politicians who promise all and deliver fuck
all. The electorate have become weary and cynical. They want their politicians
to dance for them and sweat. And what better way to do this than endorse the
none-politician, politician. You could argue that they hold hands with the
Devil and if not careful may end up with the man as President. Most won’t care.
will trundle on regardless of the incumbent, pushed by domestic and
international forces beyond rational control. Perhaps as President, Trump will
become circumspect and conform to the established political norm. No doubt
promises will be made but never kept and the lot of the jaundiced majority will
remain, more or less, unchanged.
Dat’s democracy
I like Trump simply because he is upsetting the governing elite. Whether he would be any good as President I don't know but it might be worth it just to give the system a damn good kicking.
ReplyDeleteThe only politician I had any time for was Sir Keith Joseph who was Education Secretary. I was at a public meeting when in reply to a question from the audience admitted that he did not know the answer but would find out and write to the person asking.
Well Sir Keith Joseph certainly gets 10/10 for candour. Most politicians would simply make it up on the spot or trot one of their long practiced platitudes. I can't help thinking that many American Presidents are 'figureheads' (I'm looking at you Bush!) who are surrounded by smart advisors. I'm with you on wanting Trump as President and I suspect for similar reasons.
DeleteLikewise, John. The thought of Clinton's despotic rump on the seat in the oval office fills me with dread.
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