Thursday, 17 November 2022

Fat Ugly Bloke Wins Beauty Contest


Seems Legit

And so it has come to pass that a biological, 'transgender' man (Brian) has been declared the winner of a US beauty contest. No doubt he will go on to win the title: Miss New Hampshire and subsequently, he/she/it will be crowned Miss United States of America. 

Afterwards, the fat lad opined:

“I am so honoured to be crowned your new Miss Greater Derry 2023, and I am thrilled to show you all what I have up my sleeves. This will be an amazing year”

I'm guessing that he/she/what? will have fat hairy arms up those voluminous sleeves.  

Truly, I have no more to say. 



  1. I wonder if the competition was 'fixed'. I wonder if Brian was 'fixed' too.

  2. I still wonder why women,that is, real women, bother to take part in this madness. They must know that there is no chance of winning anything while horrors like this are about.

  3. Indeed. Can it get any stranger?

