Tuesday 25 August 2020


How to not be disappointed when things do not go smoothly or right ...

Layfolk are oft of the opinion that scientific research is glamerous, cutting edge and exciting. The truth, of course, is different. Most scientists are not in ground breaking research. Their area of research is often not exciting; not particularly profound and most likely frustrating. In fact, my experience of research is that most of it is repepitive and bloody boring. Equipment often fails and data gathering is haphazard. There is not much glamour in the fact that your lab coat contains more life than the petri dish under examination. For every Einstein and Isaac Newton there are 10⁶ scientists who will never make a 'breakthrough', however minor, and most of their published work will be read by no one.

When my son asked whether he should study science at university, I told him to study IT. On this rare ocassion he actually listened to his dad. Arse.    

9 Real Life Mad Scientists | Real life, Life, Mad science


  1. I see you are a desciple of Father Jack Hackett.
    But to your topic. For engineers, the term most often used is "Oh bugger".

    1. Father Ted, was genius. As for engineers: if they fuck up there are severe consequences. If the average scientist fucks up no one cares and fluffy the bunny rabbit can live another day.....
