Sunday 30 June 2024

The Problem With Academia. Part I

Makes a Great Serving Tray

There is a lot to discuss regarding the current academic system in the West, and most of it is not good. I've decided to pontificate upon some of the issues facing modern academia and set them out here for scrutiny and discussion. Today's contribution is a brief but pert foray into the commercialisation of higher education, and the problems engendered thereon. Further posts will delve further and consider the plight of those brave and foolish enough to attempt to enter and thrive in those 'Hallowed Halls'.

There is a misconception for those not in the know that the 'World of Academia' is somehow not part of the 'Real World'. Instead, this is a world of high academic principles and values. Where the meagre and sullied concerns of daily mundane life do not intrude. A lofty domain of pure learning and intellectual repose. A place of quiet contemplation, a meld of like minds. A philosopher's cave/enclave where shadows of the outside flit across a petrified vista. Okay, maybe this is fiction from a pre-medicated mind. But I'm sure you get the point.   

First off, I need to clarify: I am not an academic. While it is true I spent three years at an English University engaged in serious botanical research involving the much-maligned dandelion, I was never a tenured staff member. While working as a Human Geneticist in New Zealand, I lectured to Medical Laboratory Science students at Aukland University of Technology and organised and supervised practical sessions. In addition, as the departmental Training Officer, I mentored, trained and cajoled students, too many to recall, as they plodded throughout their semester dedicated to Human Genetics during the 4th year of their degree. All that said, I do have a kernel of understanding and knowledge of the 'Academic System' as it currently stands, and I'm painfully aware of its inherent deficiencies. I'll be using the British Higher Education system as my paradigm, but what I have to say here is equally relevant to the systems of the US and Australasia. 

There is much to be said about the relevance of undertaking and obtaining a degree in the modern setting. Back in those halcyon days, in the 1970s, when I embarked on my higher education journey, acquiring a degree from a British university was something of academic worth. When I was a lad, 8% of the population entered these venerated halls of higher education; today, the intake is 38%. This is in spite of the fact that in the 70s, undergraduate degree course fees were enswathed (stop waxing lyrical Flaxen!) by the government, and in addition, a grant was issued that covered student rent and basic living expenses. Fast forward to today, and the student is expected to fund the whole of their college adventure by whatever means. Not all parents put aside investments directed at funding their children's education. Regardless of how it is funded, higher education is expensive, especially if expectations extend to postgraduate training. 

Fifty years ago, a degree was a respectable academic achievement and widely recognised by prospective employers as a stamp of intellectual prowess and a passport to the professions. Today, a degree seems a prerequisite for most jobs that pay above the minimum wage. In 1974, a qualification earned at 16 (O'levels) was all that was required for employment as a biochemistry tech. Today, applicants for the same position require a degree in chemistry or biochemistry. 

Clearly, if everyone and his ferret (go shagger) are obtaining a degree, then its 'academic tariff' is bound to decline in worth. I also contend that the modern education structure enables the 'success' of students who, in previous decades, would not have been accepted for entry into the university system. It follows, therefore, that for 'everyone' to matriculate, academic standards suffer. Modern universities are businesses, and the students are their customers. As with any successful business, you must garner more customers to ensure economic success. Undergraduate courses cost the UK consumer about $9,000 annually, with international students paying appreciably higher fees. 

Over the years, I have taught a cadre of high-calibre students, but unfortunately, I have also had experience with a clutch of individuals who lacked the necessary intellectual mettle. Two international students are standouts. To bolster my argument, I am willing to relate the following anecdote: A young Chinese citizen I was teaching was susceptible to constant plagiarism. Her own writing suffered from a scatter of grammatical errors that made her work difficult to read and mark. To be fair, I did not penalise the student as long as I could identify the knowledge therein and the thread of the reasoning. Although projects submitted usually began with her idiosyncratic idiom, it soon switched to standard English prose with impeccable syntax. When I challenged the young lady in question, she vehemently insisted it was all her own work, even though there was a change in the font! It was a clear case of egregious plagiarism, even from a cursory inspection. She had the temerity to complain to her course supervisor that I was being unfair with the grades I allotted to her work. Fun times were had by all.

It appears that students are catching on to the ruse, realising that a university education may not be the pathway to a golden future. UK and US student admissions have declined this year; in particular, the number of foreign students entering English universities has shown a dramatic downturn. Foreign student revenue is the lifeblood of UK colleges, and this decrease will force approximately 40% of universities into deficit by the end of the year.

Historically/hysterically, a degree was seen as the passport to the fabled 'Middle Class' and, by extension, a better life. However, the middle class is no longer, and those careers deemed middle class have far too many applicants chasing too few opportunities. The irony, of course, is that those jobs traditionally viewed as 'blue collar' are at a premium these days (have you tried to get a plumber or electrician?), and subsequently, tradesmen are paid very well. Universities are churning out the future baristas, checkout operators and waitstaff. A change in attitude is necessary for societal change. The idea that the 'Trades' somehow confer inferior status must go. No longer is a university education necessary for financial success. Go forth and obtain an apprenticeship, young man! 

I will have more to say about the higher education system in future posts.  



  1. I am Grammar School educated and was expected to go to University.I did not like the idea and refused to go ,doing an Engineering apprenticeship instead.After visiting friends at university during their term time I was very glad that I was in a world where I was being educated by people who were grown up and had real world experience to pass on.
    Both of my sons went to university and although they have never said so,neither of them really enjoyed the experience.
    It is a great pity that the expectation to go to university at great expense is so prevalent.

  2. I failed my 11 plus and thus went to a secondary modern. The end result is that I 'lost' a year as I converted my CSEs into O'levels. Unfortunately I went to a succesion of very poor schools. Going to uni was a sound decision when I was young. Not so much, today.

  3. Yeah, again. Western civilization IS going down (fasten seatbelts!), correlating by visibly wasting the own acadamic virtues. It is not understood anymore for to brighten up your mind, but reduced just to a ticket for some more or less lazy money. Commercialized and overcrowded by people with no link or approach to the philosophical dimension led to todays situation of open disdain of enlightenment, logic, epistemology... any basics of all thinking disciplines. Plus the renaissance of superstition aka religion. Dilletantism as far as the eye can see. Coincidance rules. Diversity preferred to competence. Greenwashing campaigns. Biden and Trump are the best choice the world´s leading nation can offer for the mightiest man´s job? Welcome... to the midages and thank you very much.

    1. Perhaps Josh, not so much the Middle Ages, more like the Dark Ages.

  4. I really can’t tell if what has happened to education in general and higher education in particular is just a rather striking example of Heinlein’s law. That said, the results of remorseless grade inflation – which in this country started around the mid 80s – were utterly predictable. It started before “woke”, but that more recent pollution and degradation, as far as I can see, means a decay that might not be reversible.

    Oh how I could rant!

    What we have now are largely faux madrassas, mills for morons (to be fair, there is still a lot of good within the university system, but I fear it’s fighting a losing battle).

    It would be nice to see a genuine revival of craft apprentices. I, for one, have never understood why these were looked down on. A proper apprenticeship used to require, I believe, 5 years. If, for example, you completed a full apprenticeship as a plumber or electrician, there was very little, if anything you couldn’t deal with.

    It would be an interesting unintended consequence of the destruction of higher education if a revived artisan class was to become the new middle.

    1978, was when I went “up” (oooh matron!) to become part of that 8%. Straight from a grammar school.

    I don’t know how long a delay it would have taken. Ten years? Maybe even less for me to have entered after the rot had begun. I got a superb education from a system that, not the world’s best, was pretty damned good.

    I understand the resentment of those younger, even if that resentment is being pushed towards me by those actually responsible (hypocrites, total and utter of course, who ensure their progeny still have genuinely good schools). Oh how much more they would resent if they knew what they have actually been deprived of.

    1. very true Mark. This was the world´s best education system ever (does not mean, that it was perfect). Meanwhile following blindly any primitive propaganda chliche is mistaken to be cool understanding. Hate that it sounds so pessimistic, but dark-ages rising lurks around next corner. These greenwashed lambs can´t see that they will be first victims of the fashism they are actually breeding with their idiocracy.

    2. I agree Mark, a reinstatement of the good old fashioned apprenticeship would be a step forward: a 5 year program with day release for theory and practical training. And I can't understand why anyone would look down on such a trade. Indeed, if I had a son of 16/18 I would advise against a higher ed route for a career in the trades. Perhaps if my 'fruit of the loins' was very bright and considering a vocational degree (eg dr, dentist, etc) I would relent, maybe.

    3. in 2019 the former in philosophy highly reputated Université Descartes Paris was taken the name away, did a fusion with the Université Diderot Paris (lost it´s name too) and is now known as Université Cite Paris with no rank in philosophy anymore. A symptom for a systematical destruction of occidental thinking - abolishing enlightenment by purpose is in full swing. European key territorries are doubtless overcrowded by muslims and the fashists see their chance of return. Exstinguishing fire with gasoline. Take good care of Zealand.

    4. I was hoping New Zealand would take good care of me.

  5. a true plague wasting the academic system sytematically from inside is so called "Astrophysics" (aka Cosmology, aka theoretical Physics). Started with the still vitally running bigbang-mediacampaign by the catholic church in 1920ies (George Lemaitre...), it spread like leucemia at universities, because suddenly you can become a high reputated "physician" without having any clou about true physics. All you need is phantasy. Yes, creative you have to be very, but totally not scientific. Not compatible with the slightes logic (no wonder. It´s still purest religion, and logic is religion´s natural enemy.) Nobel Prizes are distributed to these fakers like lemmondrops. The Vatikan is still very aware to foster it´s helpers. Good example are the last movies of Christopher Nolan. With "Memento" and "Inception" he did that well because of a competent philosophical approach. With "Interstellar" or "Tenet" he switched to "Astrophysics" (believing in it or just bought?), produced ridicolous weak stuff by repeating just the crude blabla of Kip Thorne, and man that´s a shameless faker. Note LIGO, VIRGO, CERN, DESY etc.pp., cathedrals of that new religion, that have in common to be extremly expensive buildings (Billions are nothing) with no useable results ever.
    And... uhh.. nobody cares. So much about today´s Academic world. Dilletantism as far as the eye can see is no surprise. It´s made by all monotheistic religions and the catholic church first. They had their huge times of absolute powers in the Middle Ages (what Islam still have and preserve in it´s territories and grotesque societies). They´ll never forget and do any afford to get back there, unfortunately with lots of success. Cheers, Mr. Young, but Rock´n Roll is going to die.
