Did the earth move for you? Tis no good asking Mrs S as she
is firm a sleep when I come to a shuddering end…. Anyway, and moving on, the
earthquake that destroyed Lisbon in 1755 certainly had ramifications which
shuddered throughout Portuguese society and transformed aspects of Western European
society at a particularly vibrant and intellectually progressive time.
On the 1st November 1755 at approximately 9.40 am
(local time) a massive earthquake rocked the Portuguese city of Lisbon. It has
been estimated that the earthquake was the most severe to hit Europe in 10,000
years. The earthquake, together with the subsequent fire storm and tsunami,
completely devastated the city. A total of 90,000 people died out of Lisbon’s 275,000
population and the disaster had grave knock on effects for Portugal’s economic and
political stability. The earthquake also caused significant damage elsewhere in
Portugal, in parts of Europe and in parts of North Africa.
The prime minister, Sebastiao de Melo, (aka Marquis of
Pombal) acted vigorously and the army was called in to fight the fires that raged for five days and to dispose of the dead. Contrary to Catholic religious practice and against the wishes of religious leaders, thousands of bodies were
loaded onto barges and sunk out at sea at the mouth of the Tagus river. Gallows were
erected at prominent sites and 33 people were publicly executed for looting.
Within a month plans had been submitted for a complete rebuild of the city and
reconstruction began soon after.
It is likely that the Lisbon earthquake resulted in the
birth of Seismology. Objective surveys were conducted throughout Portugal to
gain information about the earthquake. Experimentation was conducted and
structural earthquake proofing of buildings was undertaken. Economically the
quake was devastating to the economy. It has been estimated that 40% of
Portugal’s GDP was squandered during and immediately after the event. And in
spite of attempts at control, the economy and wages remained volatile for
years. In addition, Portugal’s further colonial ambitions were thwarted and
largely curtailed resulting in the loss of the Brazilian colony. Politically, tensions
mounted between the king and various noble families culminating in the attempted assassination of the king in 1758. Investigations implicated the wealthy and politically
influential Tavora family culminating in the confiscation of the families’
wealth and land. The men of the family were publicly tortured and executed. Whether the family was actually involved is a
matter of debate and the controversy continues to this day. However, and regardless,
the king took the opportunity to rid this highly influential family from the political
arena.The money extracted must have come as a most welcome addition to the
royal coffers; political expediency is a great social leveller.
The disaster occurred on ‘Feast of All Saint’s’, a major religious Catholic festival. Many
of the cities’ inhabitants were attending church and were killed when the church
walls collapsed. Those of a superstitious nature considered the earthquake
retribution and a manifest sign of the ‘Wrath of God’. The Jesuits were particularly vocal in
this regard. It was noted that while all the churches had been destroyed the
cities’ brothels had been spared. Mayhap God was expressing his genuine love
for sinners. Or perhaps he had a sense of humour, after all. I’ll leave my
gentle readers to judge.
The earthquake occurred during Europe’s period of
enlightenment. A time of great intellectual advance and a time where great
minds were probing for natural, not supernatural explanations for world phenomenon.
The event was widely discussed among the Savants of the time resulting in a
great out pouring of written material questioning God’s providence and even the very
existence of supernatural deities. The philosophical concept of theodicy was
further developed after the quake. Thinkers invented convoluted theories to
explain how an all-powerful and loving God could allow such an event. This is
not something new as the Ancient Greeks had also pondered deeply on the
subject. Theodicy, as theology, has always been a doomed project as
intellectually and morally it is impossible to reconcile the traditional concept
of the Christian deity with evil (natural and man made) which patently exists in
this world. The promise of redress in the ‘next world’ is a particularly
repellent and a futile attempt to justify divine evil in our organic existence.
I have dealt with theodicy in a previous post.
Emanuel Kant, the great German philosopher, wrote several
tracts on the subject. He put forward a theory of earthquakes based on the
accumulation of gases in the earth’s crust. Subsequent research has shown Kant’s
hypothesis to be in error. However, as a first attempt at an objective scientific
explanation it was a credible attempt and represents a faltering step into the
science of seismology.
Prominent academics and philosophers of the time wrote about
the moral and theological dilemma posed by the quake resulting in a great surge
of mental anguish and hand wringing amongst thoughtful, educated Europeans. Voltaire
waxed lyrical and composed a poem, "Poème sur le désastre de
Lisbonne,". Here is a direct quote from the poem (perhaps):
“The shaking comes and the earth trembles a bit,
And all the houses fall down a bit,
And people get squished a bit.
Except Signor Filipe Mugumbo,
As he was abed with a whore in a bawdy house having a bit,
He escaped unscathed except for a nasty case of the brothel sprouts.”
Is dat Candide enough for you?
I suspect that something becomes lost in translation from
the original French, but I’m sure ya get da drift. Here is a more sensible
passage from the dramatic work:
“What crime, what sin, had those young hearts conceived
That lie, bleeding and torn, on mother's breast?
Did fallen Lisbon deeper drink of vice
Than London, Paris, or sunlit Madrid?
In these men dance; at Lisbon yawns the abyss.
Tranquil spectators of your brothers' wreck,
Unmoved by this repellent dance of death,
Who calmly seek the reason of such storms,
Let them but lash your own security;
Your tears will mingle freely with the flood”.
Methinks my interpretation has more poetic ambiance/licence.
Tis just a matter of autistic taste, after all?
A ponce in repose |