Saturday 14 March 2020

Parish Notice II: Black Dog

It may be known to my regulars, especially those who notice this sort of thing, that my postings have become sparse of late. This is due to a mundane cause and effect: I have been struggling with my physical and mental  (no shit, Flaxen) wellbeing of late. Luckily I have a wonderful, loving and supportive family that dispense succour and love, in measures commensurate with normality.  This is important as my grip/grasp on 'normal' is tenuous at best and sometimes I lose traction and descend into frank madness.

As things stand, I have not been infected with dat pesky coronavirus and if so afflicted I'm likely to survive as I have no comorbid factors contributing and abetting to my premature demise. That said, there is nothing certain in life, except death.

I am laying myself bare on my blog, as for the most part, I am conversing with strangers. I couldn't have this 'conversation' at work. Although my colleagues are well aware of my eccentricities, I endeavour to put on an air of professionalism. At times, the 'Black Hound' must remain in the pack. Ain't dat the sad truth.

Anyway, with time and perhaps a modicum of prescription medication, normal service will resume, unless it doesn't. 


  1. With you. You know it passes.

  2. It is my belief that the international mascot of our western media is a black dog.

  3. Ah, mankinds' oldest, closest 'friend' The black dog. I call it 'the despair' Hated and yet familiar.

  4. Try not to die yet. It's not your turn.
    As you know, I've not been too good myself but I feel a lot better now I'm off the anti-depressants.
    Strangely these gave me violent nightmares and disconnected my thought processes (which was the point of taking them in the first place). Not recommended.

    Death is certain, but so are taxes and stupidity...

  5. I've been very fortunate not to suffer from depression, but wife & daughter have. They both found the "Human Givens" viewpoint & advice quite helpful.

  6. I know of that Black Dog of which you speak. Please get well.
