Thursday, 30 April 2020

Level 3 and the Big Cac

Do you want cornflakes with that?
And so New Zealand has moved from the highly restrictive lockdown of level four to the slightly less restrictive lifestyle of the third variety. In practice, most will experience no difference- at least that is the theory. Businesses can open if there is no intimate contact with the public. Thus, construction workers can get to it as long as they keep at least a shovel length away. Carpenters are expected to maintain at least a Planck distance.

Apparently, New Zealand has been lauded throughout the world and hoisted as the paragon of COVID-19 control. Tis true, as I write, on the 30th April, that only one new case has been reported. This is wonderful when considering the number of new COVID-19 cases savaging the known world (and beyond). 

We have become so complacent, that in lockdown, fast food establishments can open if they sport a drive-through. MacDonald's and their ilk have complied with gusto. And the public has complied with complacent gusto. In Wellington, for instance, folk deprived of their greasy fix for the past 5 weeks were prepared to queue overnight at MacDonald's drive-through. By opening time the line of cars extended way down the street and police had to initiate traffic control. The first person in line was asked why she had queued all night by an intrepid reporter. She replied prosaically: "I missed cheeseburgers". This is dedication to a culinary delight, of dubious provenance, that is mildly disturbing.

On Tuesday evening, at about 8pm, I was returning from a day in the 'windy city', after a hard day's graft, and I was gratified to see that the local inhabitants of my rural town were just as dedicated as sophisticated city folk in their quest to obtain a grilled patty of gristly goodness with the resultant queue of cars extending out and about and around the block.

As for KFC: well, that's another story. Arse.


  1. Funny how our EU media, the UK in particular, praise everybody of a leftard leaning whilst drubbing up fake news and faux targets to blame for the fear they alone are responsible for.

    1. Hi Oldrightie, pleases read Juliet46 comment and respond. She misses you and so do I.

    2. Burgers are absolutely disgusting, nasty, and fatty meat, topped with sauce and a bun. If you like this crap you are very weird

  2. Forgive me Flaxen Saxon for going off topic, I've been worried about this Oldrightie, keep getting an error message:

    This domain registration expired on 04/09/2020.
    Do you own this domain? Renew It Now!

    I'm hoping Oldrightie above is one and the same, and the blog will soon return.

    1. Yea it looks like Oldrightie needs to spend some gelt to remain on his blogging platform- let us hope he does.

  3. And on topic - thank you for your blog, I enjoy it. I've been wondering whether, at my age, I'm capable of making a crossbow, or whether to just go ahead and order one from t'interweb!

    1. You are never too old! Start off with a simple crossbow as related by Tod Cutler on YouTube.

  4. Love the Planck joke!
    But 5.73 x 10-35 metres is a bit too close to any of the carpenters I know!

    I have never had a McDonald's burger, due to being vegetarian most of my life [but not now] and disgust at its vile contents. I guess some must find them both tasty and addictive.

    1. I was wondering if anyone would notice the 'Planck pun'. Yea, not much of fan of the burgers myself.

    2. You obviously require the much larger Max Planck.
      I'll get my coat.

  5. 'Fraid I'm a total pleb, and I actually like burgers and other fast food: but then, an ageing decrepit body such as mine needs all the preservative it can get.

    1. Try "Saladin Wood Preserver" - that'll keep it up!

  6. Cac? Is this a reference to the nutritious comestables available in these emporia?

    1. Indeed Sir, all is cac and plop in these establishments.

    2. "Cac and Plop". Haven't (yet) searched to see if it exists, nor am I going to claim it if it doesn't, but that's the greatest name for a blog, ever. Ever ever.

    3. Sounds like a great concept and name for a new 'Reality Show'.

  7. Brain dead. Simple as that.
